Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Lessons...still being learned

We've been attending the Rose Parkas 15th ward and I gotta say, we really enjoy it. I think I enjoy it more because Alex loves it and knows lots of people in the ward. He knows more people than I do and I'm samoan (Giggle to myself) but he did grow up here. I don't really know anyone so of course I don't really talk to anyone. There are a few people I've met and have had a few conversations with, one being one of Lee's bffs who is nice and has 2 adorable girls another one grew up with Alex and is also nice and also has 2 adorable little girls. Maybe I'm bias because I have 2 adorable little girls (GTM) But I'm grateful for them and for the small lessons I've learned thru their kindness.

Recently, I was called as the 4th Sunday teacher in the English Relief Society class. I was really terrified when Bishop called me and offered the call to me. As we know, I la la la la LOVE Relief Society. Especially now that I'm married and have a family of my own, I need and look forward to this class every Sunday. Since I was in the singles ward and gained a testimony of Relief Society and all that it offers, it has was a huge comfort then and is even more important now. I loved being around my fellow single sisters and hearing/learning from their experiences because sometimes it was things I was struggling with too. And now being a wife and a mother being in a home ward, Relief Society lessons are such an amazing blessing. Even tho I don't know or speak to anyone. Being around them in class and hearing their struggles or pains and how the Lord has blessed them is a comfort that the Lord is here for me.

As we know, I hate public speaking, but for some reason I'm given MANY opportunities to speak. It's like the red light is blinking to go and I'm just standing there frozen. Most times I've denied the opportunity to learn. After discussing it with Alex, of course I couldn't turn it down. My first lesson was a couple weeks ago and I had been preparing for a whole month. I felt confident and even went over it with Alex the night before. The morning of went thru it again and still felt confident, but very nervous and now scared. Once we got to the class, it was like the red light was on and I freaked out and froze like many of our videos. All the sudden I'm reading my lesson. Oh and I forgot to say that 4th Sunday is the Ensign Sunday and so I have to prepare a lesson from a talk. Let me add that I think preparing a lesson from a talk is way hard and for someone who's never taught ever it's even harder. During my lesson I tried to get class participation and got some, but not enough to make it to the end of time. I ended up reading the talk because I got nervous. I had ten minutes left and since I finished early people started sharing their thoughts and experiences which was really nice. It turned out to be a discussion. By the end everyone shared was crying. There are 2 things I know to always be true. 1st the Church is always true. 2nd I always cry.

The lesson was on Followers of Christ by Elder Walter F Gonzalez. And these are the things I wanted to share with you. It talks about how there are 2 characteristics that help members follow Christ. 1: Love 2: Making and keeping covenants.

1st LOVE: I can totally see why love would be the 1st characteristic to be closer or follow Christ. If you love Christ, you will forsake all and follow him. Amen. haha no but for real. If an obstacle arose and I had to choose to participate in something negative whether it be saying, seeing, being, or doing something bad, because we love Christ it would be easy to stay away or turn the other way. One thing that I loved was learning a little more about Peter. In John 21:15-19 it talks about how the Lord asking Peter 3 times if he loved Him and 3 times Peter tells the Lord he does love Him. And the Lord tells Peter to feed his sheep. It goes on to say something like how when you're young, you can do or go where you want, but when you're old someone has to clothe you and lead you where they want you to go. So why not follow Him now. I discussed it with Leen over text. When I thought about Peter and the day he denied Christ 3 times what he could be feeling. Leen said something like it must've been like pouring salt on a wound for Peter on that morning.  I'm amazed that after he denied Christ 3x, how loyal and faithful he was to the end. After that experience, he never left Christ again. Now I know I still have more to learn about Peter and I might be wrong, but this is what I've gotten so far. I also loved that in the lesson they shared an experience about visiting somewhere in Africa and how so many non-members all believed in God and you can tell in their conversations, billboards, ads, everywhere. In the lesson it said that it's our responsibility to bring the gospel to add to the great things they're already doing. I just think what am I doing to help bring the gospel to others.

There's so much I wish we could dissect and talk about. But I know that this church is true and I know that he loves us and is always with us. I'm kind of grateful for the calling He's given me haha I'm still learning and glad that the Lord trusts me to teach His daughters His gospel all while I'm gaining experience and testimony. Love you both, g

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Summertime in SLC!

Oh how time flies. My week feels like its so slow, but I can't believe its already September and my favorite season is finally here! I la la la la love Autumn. I'm excited to pull out all my sweaters and the change of color with the leaves, the cool breeze, don't have to use AC, and thick warm blankets. And since my girls always love their blankies we get to cuddle more to keep warm. Since Alex works for Delta, you would think we would make use of the flying benefits, since it is free. But unfortunately, since my babies are small and we don't have much money, we haven't used them at all this year. We did a test run with Mele when she was 10 months, and I have to say, it was not so fun. Maybe by next year, Mele will be turning 3 and she'll be much better and be an example for Fara.
Fara loves music and loves to watch music videos. She also has "Bieber Fever"! Yeah totally sucks. Especially when we're listening to it 10 times in a row because every time we try to stop she screams her head off. I'm excited to see more of her personality as she grows and am grateful to have my little Tongan girl. She's totally a Daddy's girl and looks just like her daddy.

Fara just learned to crawl this week. It was such a cheerful experience. Watching her face when she finally got it was a camera moment. (I lost the battery for my camera, so no moment caught) :( Now that's she's crawling she's getting into everything. What's so amazing about kids, is as soon as one things learned, they're on to the next. Literally the next day, she was holding on to things to pull herself up to stand. Kids are amazing that way. They're always looking to do more or learn more.

Mary is such the diva. Maxina, I wish Carter was here to play with her cousin. They would have so much fun and maybe even get into some trouble together. My Mele amazes me each day with what she's learned. I know everyone thinks their child is brilliant and amazing, but I think it's just surprising at how much kids pick up and learn. We were watching Disney's Tarzan movie one day and Mele started naming animals I didn't even know she knew. Like monkeys, but when she said elephant and bird and tiger and make the noises I was surprised because I never told her and I don't know if my parents did either. I then realized she got it from she Nick Jr shows Ni hao Kai-lan (her favorite), Dora the Explorer, and Go Diego Go. And can't forget Yo Gabba Gabba which started it all. And yes she knows the names to all of them. I love walking into my parents house and being greeted by my Mele with Ni hao mommy ni hao. Giggle to myself. She always loves to tell people to "GO AWAY" and "NO WAY". She counts to 10 and loves to read books to me and Fara Bear. She also now loves loves loves her sister and sometimes even only says hi to her sister and ignores me. She loves to sing and loves to tell people what to do. And I'm so grateful to have her.

When I was single and thinking for being a parent, I honestly never wanted to girls. I was never really a girly girl and didn't really like being a girl myself and wanted all boys because I thought they would be easier. But I had a feeling that I would have a girls. hahaha and what happens...I have 2 girls, which I'm totally so grateful for and love with all my heart. I never knew how much I wanted them until I got them and I wouldn't trade them in for anything.

We went to Lagoon this summer and had such an awesome time. Lagoon has so many new kids rides that adults can ride on them too. And the lines aren't as long. We spent most of our time on the kids rides because we got to ride on them with the kids. Alex, the girls and me and Alex's brothers and their families all went. It was so much fun. The girls had an awesome time. Our new favorite Holiday is July 4th. The Bula fest was awesome and we're looking forward to next years. Pioneer day has always been our favorite holiday and we still love it. This summer we got to spend so much time together and make new memories and traditions.

I'm truly grateful for my little family and for my mom and sister who help us watch/take care of them when we need. Miss and love you both. Feeling blessed. love g

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Cherish our Loved Ones!

Hi my loves! Just feeling overwhelmed with gratitude for Family! Especially our mothers and as daughters we know firsthand how trying a mother daughter relationship may be at times. However it's funny how no matter what grief and pain we may place them through due to our many poor decisions  we make in this life, Mothers are always there with arms open!

LOVE my MOM even though we have had our differences !!

They do treat their grandchildren different to their own haha ! Its a good thing! 

Love you ladies and love your moms!!! Cherish the time we have with our parents! We have them on borrowed time as much as they have us, and we with our children!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Ok first project complete

Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu. Click on link and purchase yay!!! help me sell and promote! thanks !

Monday, July 4, 2011

The wonder years.....

Awww...yes I was finally able to figure out how to get on this thing. Did you ever doubt that the tech handicap would be the last? hahaha Well, I am overjoyed to have another valid and useful place to put my thoughts for my sisteren of the TP.

We truly have come a long way from our late night rendezvous in the young adult scene, CCS myspace and bebo festivals along with our after hour tape sessions. We truly have a relationship of sisterhood that is built on a strong foundation. We can't forget the memory we used up in storing all of our random photos of ourselves. All of the "casserole" we gave out in the process of singing and travelling and dreaming. All of the haircuts and haircoloring journeys I put Max thru. All of the bridesmaid dresses G had to wear to get where she is at today. All the frosty's I ate to get to this pant size. lol Do I dare say that we have.....grown up? Better yet, still growing up? I would choose the latter.

I hope you both read my blog titled "Here's to You" because I definitely feel that you sisters have made the framework for my life's masterpiece. Together we have learned to love the gospel, to love ourselves, to love our experiences, to love others, to love each obstacle which in a very real way equals to us loving and living our lives to fullest each day.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Congratulations Graduates!!! Bring on the Good times!

I cant believe Tiff & Jr are now officially Mr & Mrs Mailili or Mailii ok sorry i dont know how to spell it!!! hahaha My Bad! 

Anyways im just so happy for them!!! We all have taken a step forward in one way or another! 

G with your gorgeous girls and continued joy in raising your beautiful family with alex! 

Leen with your power of overcoming the man in you!!! hahahaha so off!!! but being able to accept the blessings of companionship with Veli and then myself with raising Carter! We each have taken a step forward in one way shape or form but i know that we each have so many experiences/struggles and triumphant outcomes to share, given the different situations we are now in.  

It seemed like what seemed only yesterday we we were hanging out wondering who we would date/marry and if we would have kids of our own and lo and behold we are here and what now? hahaha! 

Well all i know is Tiff & Jun will now venture forward in their lives together. Leen & Veli well we shall stay tuned to see what wonderful experiences they both shall have and G and Alex, you both will continue to bask in the Joys of parenthood along with myself and the joys of being a single parent! haha 

So my family is not so complete however it definitely is not a broken home!!! I assure you that though in this life we are surrounded by so many doubters/neigh sayers and negative influences which will discourage us from overcoming the challenges and taking hold of what is rightfully ours!!!, We have each learned firsthand that we each do hold the power to stand tall in knowing that we each have been and continue to be blessed with the love of God and that we are his! And with that knowledge everything is possible!

Today i am full of gratitude for the countless blessings i have and the honor and joy this life brings, through my family and friends and have so much more to look forward to! I hope that this find you each well and may it be a reminder that even when we are feeling faint and discouraged may we remember the good times we have had and know that we shall have many more to come for it is the lords will that we be happy in this life and the next! 

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


I have been blessed to come across many beautiful people in this life so far and i want to share with you some of the many moments i have shared with each of them well Yes so far what we have seen has been mainly wit Senorita G" and Miss Lyrix well, so much can be learned by these 2 Beautiful Women.
With them i was able to accomplish so many things. To be able to gain a greater love for the scriptures and magnify the talents in which i have.  They helped build my confidence in myself in finding who i am and knowing that it is ok to be me.  To be able to laugh and cry knowing that i am a blessed daughter of god. That i was brought to fulfill a greater purpose than that of my own. With friends who accept me for who i am and are willing to love me despite the many faults i have. Always there to provide an uplifting thought, experience or just an earnest ear intently listening to the constant battles i have with myself!  When you have friends like these best take hold of them and keep them for they are truly heaven sent!  Through friends like this i have gained an understanding that the lord truly loves me and that TRUE FRIENDS are the ones who will take hold of you and add to the good in your life, they are the ones who will counsel you in good and bad times always there to help you find your way to happiness! They are the ones who live life with you, not through you nor without you but with you because they LOVE you! Hope you enjoy reminiscing the good times through the many pictures and mini clips shared on here and also embrace the many memories we are about to create this day onward. LOVE YOU BOTH and ENJOY!